
Reinvention (Finally?)

First of all, to set the bar straight, we (or rather I) shall assume that the number of people that will read this post is less than 3, based on the unique views that my blog stats have represented. And to further add to that assumption, the significance of even owning this blog is probably very minute as the only thing I use this site for is to read other people's blogs (which is conveniently located on the right-side bar) and not generate interesting content. And when I mean insignificant, I mean really, really small and unimportant considering at the end of 2011, there were 181 million blogs in existence (Source in the link). 

But why am I even back here, do you ask? Assuming "you" are a legitimate, living, breathing sentient being and not some spam-bot on my comments, which I have clean on a weekly basis. I suppose I feel the need to make up for the lack of an obligatory "new year's" post. Which I usually do since the conception of this (very juvenile, up til this day I might add) web blog all the way back in 2006. And even today, it's hard to believe that I used to be a school magazine editor (read: I'm partially employable for practical reasons!) seeing my writing origins stem from... there.  

Let's get real, the only reason why I started this was because every self-respecting fourteen-year old at that time back in 2004, had one. It would have been uncool not to involve oneself in this informally-bloated social networking sphere where content producers built social relations with their readers (in this case, my classmates). The best blog at that time was to see who could embed music and fancy-up the page with god-awful multi-coloured paragraphs. (We shouldn't forget TAGBOARDS. Before official blog stat counter for mass consumption existed, tag boards were a rough gauge on how popular you are with readers. I mean we all started small right? Not that I can judge as I only have 3 unique visitors every month, but I digress.)

If you ask me, I will never and simply cannot generate a reason for why this blog still exists. Like they say in social sciences, 'a part of a living organism that has no function, simply atrophies and ceases to exist.' This blog, has no function, no purpose and yet! It still exists. Maybe because I'm the sentimental kind of guy. Blogs with sentimental qualities should exist right? It has a certain...sentience. And it would be inhumane to kill something with sentience. 

I suppose what this poor guy needs is a revamp, something to spice up content on a regular basis concerning thought provoking stories like my pseudo-relationship with my right hand. (I'm kiddinggg, its a very loving relationship if you want to know).  But alas, unlike blogs that are far more famous and interesting, I lack quality in content for the lack of expertise in a certain area.

Who knows, something might pop up and grow in this barren land soon. What would you like to read? Hit me up in the comments below, or my Twitter (which I'm presumably more active in). Subjects to consider includes hating on Apple (but I do own an iPod Touch by the way, and I love my Macbook G4 to bits, til it crashed), why technology is awesome and scarily pervasive at times, and if I feel altruistic, make little notes on how to improve oneself in the conducts of being in a business (so my monthly subscriptions to the TIME and FORTUNE and Business Week doesn't go to waste.)

P.S: If and when the creative me strikes, social commentaries too. (which I shall dub toilet philosophy 101) Here's and extract of me in the shower a few days back, "Came up with a thought while in the shower, I'm not against religion, but I have a hunch that remove it from the equation of relationships, a lot more people would inter-marry between races. This would create stronger and smarter genetics, society would transform to one where races wouldn't matter if everyone was mixed up like the coloured balls in a childrens' ball pen. And the only thing left standing towards "humanism" would be nationalism. I stop here, cause I don't shower thaaat long. But don't get me started on abolishing gender. I'm okay with contemporary families of two same-gendered  parents raising a child, but I believe gender serves as a practical function to know that well, you need to differentiate a plug that fits in a socket of a wall sometimes. If you ever want to not see that human population go extinct, if you know what I mean."


  1. Just make a tag-board (as aforementioned), so anybody can post any comments easily, rather than signing in just for the sake of commenting. Anyways, be assured I'm one of the 3! =P

  2. I allowed anonymous comments you know. ha!
