
The End.. for now

I'm... graduating.

Am I suppose to feel all warm and tingly inside? Like how when you look forward to being 16, 18, or even 21. 'Cause you know you've gone and done something worthwhile, but the fruits of your labour is pretty much intangible.

You think about the friends you've made, about the things you've achieved, about the choices you have made, about a love found and lost, about the happy moments when you've discovered your independence, about your future, about your past, about your present and about rediscovering yourself.

You think about the things you could have done better and the things you would have have done differently.

I wished I could have done better, I wish I could have done things differently. But that's the reason why they are "could" and "would". Because you can't.

So the things you can do, is everything you haven't already done. Right or wrong, I guess that's up to you to decide what huh?

See you guys soon.

These photos exist circa 2006- July 2009. Too many IBP photos to choose from (those responsible, you know who you are.) Shall update those soon enough. =D

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    eh wah lao say until like that.
    you lazy to choose photos just admit lor.

