
Start the Machine

I was clearing out my room (apparently the only time I do so is when I'm finding stuff such as certificates and etc.) and this (one of many) notebook fell off the table and onto the floor. I picked it up and naturally flipped through its pages to see if there was anything valuable in there. All there was were some doodles and sketches I made when I was bored. When I was about to trash it, my finger got stuck on a page... Then I smiled.

I left some words quite far from here to be a short reminder.
I laid them out in stone in case they need to last forever.

Now the notebook is in my "personal" box with every other object I hold dear to me.


  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    (: i smiled too.

  2. Anonymous2:29 AM

    gosh i could really doodle. o_O

    (both comments were ira's)
