
Bloody Sink at Junct8n

This is the scene of a bloody sink at Bishan Junction 8 Shopping Centre. Its these type of scenes that makes me wonder what goes on before I got there to see it - well in this case, a bloody sink. Did the person have a bloody nose? Didnt look like it. Was he bleeding from the mouth? What happened if he or she was? Did someone punch the person? Did something hit them instead?

Nothing like the sight of blood to get the brain working. Sometimes I wished my synapses fired off as fast as it did during other times (such as PRNJRN class for example) rather than when I am washing my hands after taking a leak.

On another note, I'm quite pleased at the thought of having a cellphone with a in-built camera. It allows you to take such eye-catching pictures on the spot. Such as Autobot Honda (See post below). Or when the time I was in a bus and this rather tough looking fella was wearing a "I'm next to stupid" T-shirt (while sitting next to a rather nerdy looking fella).

Everyone is raving on about the speed of information when it gets uploaded to the net. (Insert long paragraph(s) about how the Internet is the future of Journalism blah blah blah and how the newspaper is dying).

It's true that the newspaper is dying. And the Internet paving way for Information dissemination to be more immediate and relevant.

But what if the Internet failed on us? What if undersea cables failed? What would be fall back on for information? Gossip from hearsay?

There's always a place for paper in these day and age. Why, think about it. You PRINT your emails out to file correct?

I am Brian Cheong and I need to go for a meeting in an hour.

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