
I'm finally getting time to watch TV.

I forgot how that quote went. "The days get longer in Summer", i think. On over time it gets warped to "the days seem to get longer when school comes about". Unfortunately in tertiary education, the days get longer when you are not in school.

So the end of first year has/ is almost arrived/ arriving. Sad but true. I can honestly say I've met a whole bunch of good people. Making my trips to the west relatively worthwhile for, students and tutors alike. Sure the days get really tiring doing school work but at the end of it all, it can be one of the best ways to get to know people. And the submission dates really bring people together. Ha.Ha.

I'm gonna miss T102/7. Don't be strangers girls + 5 guys. Well, i suppose it is hard to. The whole lot of you just made enough memorabilias to last me my whole lifetime. -.-

On another topic at hand, the Arena must be one of the most screwed up shows I have ever seen. Oh, its REALLY scary to face up to your opponnents face to face in the center of "the Arena". Please, I know people who would die to get to verbally square off with other face to face in a school debate. Hell, we wish it would break up into a full blown fight. Haha.
And on another note. The set looks really familiar. Can anyone say, "Who wants to be a millionaire". Yep. That's Singaporean TV for you. And I "might" be working in it someday. or a regualar. I really don't know what I'm working for anymore. Still got two years to go anyway.


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