
X'mas holz is teh suxxor

For the past week i have more or less spent at most only 18 hours of of the house. 18 out of 120 hours. 15% of the week. Well i shldnt complain. Personally I would welcome the cold weather and stay in the house 100% of the time if i could but cold to a person with a cold don't really match. On the other hand though i am glad that i managed to finally sit down and enjoy Final Fantasy XII in its entirety. Square-Enix have certainly outdone themselves once again.

Just now went out to Strings meeting. Meeting was suppose to start at 6 but it commenced at 730pm. -_- Whyyyy Me?

Shortly after I left the house some guy with his trolley rammed straight into the side of my feet leaving a 4 inch gash. -_- Whyyy Me? In light of that i went to the nearest convenience store (convenient isn't it?) to buy band-aids. Worst purchase ever. Goddam things don't stick.

From next strings meeting onwards it will be changed from Mondays to Tuesdays. -_- Whyyy Me? Of all the the godforsaken days that I am not required at sch.

Going home was slightly better though. Taking the transit home when i gave up my seat to a young mother and her 15 month old son. About two stops later the seat next to the one I initially gave up was open so i sat down again. Mother and son were from Myanmar. i asked what was the kid's name. As she told me I completely spaced out. I knew what she said was the name but it was still as bad as a drunk irishman speaking english into his beer mug in a busy bar with five englishmen brawling in the corner. So for the next 10 stops the kid kept looking at me as i smiled back. He raised his hand out. The mother told me to give the kid a high five. I did. It was cute. He was cute. Then all the way until my station the little guy was all over me, grabbing my specs, my hair and then stabbing my right eye. -_-

I gladly accepted that. Kids will be kids. And he's only a yr and a half old. Just. Don't. Stab. Me. In. The. Eye.

And I saw Nelly on the way out the gates. Kekeke. Thats like two times in a week. w00t.

So the month of december have not been too bad at all. Not too bad at all.


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    hahahaha! thats why i hate kids. well, kids not related to me. they are so........... bleddy annoying sometimes. especially when they cry. WAH! i will feel like stabbing THEIR eyes!


  2. O.O Are. you.for. real?

    Looks like i'll need to rethink my choices in life. Lol.
