
Daniel and Jasmine

Ok, here's something i got of the friendster bulletin board a couple of months back. Laughed my head off till i shat in my pants.

I suppose the intention was suppose to be "sweet" but whoever wrote this.

Is An IDIOT- totally killed it.

Mass Commers taking/ used to take Writ com. See how many Grammer/ Vocab/ Sentence structure errors there are. Kudos to those who spot the lone sentence which wasn't mutilated.

daniel n jasmine
r sittin alone in e park
1 nite..
daniel: i tink we r e left overs in tis world

jasmine: i tink so.. all my frenz hav boifrenz
n we r e onli 2 persons left in tis world w/o any
special person in our life

daniel:yup i duno wad 2 do

jasmine: i noe! we'll play a game

daniel:wad game?

jasmine: i b ur galfrenz 4 30 daes n u b moi

daniel: dats a great plan in fact i dun hav nothin
much 2 do in tis followin weeks...

DAE 1:
dey watched their first movie n both touched in e
romantic film

DAE 4:
dey went 2 e beach n hav a picnic...daniel n
jasmine hav their quality time 2gether

DAE 12:
daniel invite jasmine 2 a circus n dey ride on a
horror house..jasmine was scared n she touched
daniel's hand but she touched sum1's hand n
dey both laughed...

dey sae a fortune teller down e road n dey asked
4 their future advice n e fortune teller sae:"my
darlin,pls dun waste e time of ur life.. spend e
rest of e time 2gether happily"den tears flow out
fro e teller's eyes

jasmine invite daniel up e hill n dey saw a
meteor...jasmine mumbled sumthin..

DAE 28:
dety sat on a bus n bcos of a bumpy road
jasmine accident gave her first kiss 2 daniel by

jasmine n daniel sat in e park where dey first
decided 2 play tis game

daniel: i tired jasmine..i'll buy 4 1..i'll juz go down
e road..

jasmine: apple juice dat all

daniel: wait 4 mi..

20 minutes later, a stranger approached Jasmine.

stranger: r u a fren of daniel?

jasmine: y yes? wad happened?

stranger: a reckless drunken driver ran over
daniel n he is critical in e hospital

a doctor went out of e emergency n he handed
out an apple juice n a letter

doctor: we found tis in daniel's pocket

jasmine read e letter n it sae: jasmine tis past
few daes i realise u r reali a cute gal n i reali fall
in luv 4 u..ur cherish smile ur everythin when we
play tis game.. but b4 tis game end.. i hope u b
my galfrenz 4 e rest of my life.. i luv u jasmine..

jasmine crumples paper n shouted: "daniel! i
dont wan u 2 die..i luv u!remember dat nite when
we saw meteor i mumbled sumthin..i mumbled
dati wished we would b 2gether 4 eva n never
end tis game..
pls dun leave mi danile..i luv u! u cant do dat 2
then e clock strikes 12

daniel his heart stop pumpin


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